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<span id="intelliTxt">Hi,<br>
I have come across a weird bug (i think) in postgres 8.1.11 (possibly
Without going into my table structure detail I will demonstrate the
problem by showing the select statements:<br>
The following statement:<br>
SELECT count(*)<br>
FROM object o, object_version v, object_type ot <br>
where v.id = o.active_versionid and ot.id = o.object_typeid and
o.is_active ='t' and (o.is_archived = 'f' or o.is_archived is null) <br>
and o.is_published = 't' and ot.object_type_typeid <> 1 <br>
and exists (<br>
select ova.object_versionid from attribute_value av,
object_version_attribute ova where ova.attribute_valueid=av.id and
object_versionid = v.id <br>
and (upper(av.text_val) like <b>'%KIWI%'</b>) )<br>
runs fine and executes with success.<br>
BUT now this is the strange bit, if I have a space in my search term
then postgres hangs for an indefinite period: eg:<br>
SELECT count(*)<br>
FROM object o, object_version v, object_type ot <br>
where v.id = o.active_versionid and ot.id = o.object_typeid and
o.is_active ='t' and (o.is_archived = 'f' or o.is_archived is null) <br>
and o.is_published = 't' and ot.object_type_typeid <> 1 <br>
and exists (<br>
select ova.object_versionid from attribute_value av,
object_version_attribute ova where ova.attribute_valueid=av.id and
object_versionid = v.id <br>
and (upper(av.text_val) like <b>'%KIWI FRUIT%'</b>) )<br>
Yet, if I modify the "exists" to an "in" all works well , as follows<br>
SELECT count(*)<br>
FROM object o, object_version v, object_type ot <br>
where v.id = o.active_versionid and ot.id = o.object_typeid and
o.is_active ='t' and (o.is_archived = 'f' or o.is_archived is null) <br>
and o.is_published = 't' and ot.object_type_typeid <> 1 <br>
and v.id in (<br>
select ova.object_versionid from attribute_value av,
object_version_attribute ova where ova.attribute_valueid=av.id <br>
and (upper(av.text_val) like <b>'%KIWI FRUIT%'</b>) )<br>
So my question is why would a space character cause postgres to hang
when using the exists clause????<br>
I have tested this on several different servers and mostly get the same
result (v8.08 and v8.1.11) , when I check the execution plan for either
query (space or no space) they are identical.<br>
An upgrade to 8.3 fixes this, but I am still curious as to what could
cause such bizarre behavior.<br>