Appologies if this has already been fixed, but I have come across a
problem with pg_dump when dumping a single non-public schema. (This is
on Windows Pg 8.2). It did not cause any major problems because I
obviously made a backup of the database before I tried a restore, and
managed to fix the backup to run in the right order.
The problems is when creating a dump of a single (non-public) schema,
with the create option.
pg_dump -n myschema -c -Fp -f myschema.sql
In the sql file I get:
SET search_path = myschema, pg_catalog;
-- Drop all tables etc.
DROP SCHEMA myschema;
CREATE TABLE table1 (...)
The problem here is that table1 gets created in the public schema, not
myschema, presumably because the search path is no longer valid after
the drop schema.