Thanks for the great work! [#1 new feature: I love the fact column
widths don't keep resizing.]
pgAdmin 1.8.0 Beta 5 (Sep 10 2007, rev: 6631)
WinXP Pro, SP2
Postgres server: postgresql-8.1.9-1.fc6
Using either an existing table or a new (ex: test with just a serial
column), add a primary key using the 'Constraints' tab
ex: test_pk for a Name in Properties
select any column in Columns, press add, when you press Ok, pgAdmin
dies. I tried it with a serial and character varying and both fail.
I confirmed this works fine in 1.4.3 and 1.6.3 using the same table,
desktop, and server.
If you need anything else, please email.
Jeff Buhrt
Achievement Focused Technology, Inc.
317-843-4444 Office