Re: Optimization for lower(), upper(), casefold() functions.

From: Alexander Borisov <lex(dot)borisov(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: Jeff Davis <pgsql(at)j-davis(dot)com>, Heikki Linnakangas <hlinnaka(at)iki(dot)fi>, pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: Optimization for lower(), upper(), casefold() functions.
Date: 2025-03-12 20:39:13
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

12.03.2025 22:39, Jeff Davis wrote:


>> 2. Added a fast path for codepoint < 0x80.
>> v3j-0002:
>> In the fast path for codepoints < 0x80, I added a premature return.
>> This avoided additional insertions, which increased performance.
> What do you mean "additional insertions"?

Sorry for my English. I mean, we immediately do a return in the
if () condition. To avoid further branching/checking.

> Also, should we just compute the results in the fast path? We don't
> even need a table. Rough patch attached to go on top of v4-0001.
> Should we properly return CASEMAP_SELF when *simple == u1, or is it ok
> to return CASEMAP_SIMPLE? It probably doesn't matter performance-wise,
> but it feels more correct to return CASEMAP_SELF.

It seems to disrupt the overall "beauty" of the approach. Thus, we will
copy code (bloat code), make optimizations that do not improve
performance but bloat code. I would refrain from such practices.
Especially since we'll be changing all that in the next patch (v4-0002).

>> Perhaps for general
>> beauty it should be made static inline, I don't have a rigid position
>> here.
> We ordinarily use "static inline" if it's in a header file, and
> "static" if it's in a .c file, so I'll do it that way.

Great, I've changed this place. Performance has not changed in any way.

>> I was purely based on existing approaches in Postgres, the
>> Normalization Forms have them separated into different headers. Just
>> trying to be consistent with existing approaches.
> I think that was done for normalization primarily because it's not used
> #ifndef FRONTEND (see unicode_norm.c), and perhaps also because it's
> just a more complex function worthy of its own file.
> I looked into the history, and commit 783f0cc64d explains why perfect
> hashing is not used in the frontend:
> "The decomposition table remains the same, getting used for the binary
> search in the frontend code, where we care more about the size of the
> libraries like libpq over performance..."

I removed the extra file (unicode_case_func.h). You are right, we should
not create unnecessary clutter.

v5 attached.

Alexander Borisov

Attachment Content-Type Size
v5-0001-Refactor-convert_case-to-prepare-for-optimization.patch text/plain 6.1 KB
v5-0002-Optimization-for-lower-upper-casefold-functions.patch text/plain 701.9 KB

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