Re: Optimization for lower(), upper(), casefold() functions.

From: Jeff Davis <pgsql(at)j-davis(dot)com>
To: Alexander Borisov <lex(dot)borisov(at)gmail(dot)com>, Heikki Linnakangas <hlinnaka(at)iki(dot)fi>, pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: Optimization for lower(), upper(), casefold() functions.
Date: 2025-03-12 19:39:27
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

On Wed, 2025-03-12 at 19:55 +0300, Alexander Borisov wrote:
> 1. Added static for casemap() function. Otherwise the compiler could
> not
> optimize the code and the performance dropped significantly.

Oops, it was static, but I made it external just to see what code it
generated. I didn't intend to publish it as an external function --
thank you for catching that!

> 2. Added a fast path for codepoint < 0x80.
> v3j-0002:
> In the fast path for codepoints < 0x80, I added a premature return.
> This avoided additional insertions, which increased performance.

What do you mean "additional insertions"?

Also, should we just compute the results in the fast path? We don't
even need a table. Rough patch attached to go on top of v4-0001.

Should we properly return CASEMAP_SELF when *simple == u1, or is it ok
to return CASEMAP_SIMPLE? It probably doesn't matter performance-wise,
but it feels more correct to return CASEMAP_SELF.

> Perhaps for general
> beauty it should be made static inline, I don't have a rigid position
> here.

We ordinarily use "static inline" if it's in a header file, and
"static" if it's in a .c file, so I'll do it that way.

> I was purely based on existing approaches in Postgres, the
> Normalization Forms have them separated into different headers. Just
> trying to be consistent with existing approaches.

I think that was done for normalization primarily because it's not used
#ifndef FRONTEND (see unicode_norm.c), and perhaps also because it's
just a more complex function worthy of its own file.

I looked into the history, and commit 783f0cc64d explains why perfect
hashing is not used in the frontend:

"The decomposition table remains the same, getting used for the binary
search in the frontend code, where we care more about the size of the
libraries like libpq over performance..."

Jeff Davis

Attachment Content-Type Size
vtmp-0001-fastpath.patch text/x-patch 1.5 KB

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