Tom Lane wrote:
> "Cristian Prieto" <cristian(at)clickdiario(dot)com> writes:
>>mydb=# explain analyze select locid from geoip_block where
>>''::inet between start_block and end_block;
>>As you see it still using a sequential scan in the table and ignores the
>>index, any other suggestion?
> That two-column index is entirely useless for this query; in fact btree
> indexes of any sort are pretty useless. You really need some sort of
> multidimensional index type like rtree or gist. There was discussion
> just a week or three ago of how to optimize searches for intervals
> overlapping a specified point, which is identical to your problem.
> Can't remember if the question was about timestamp intervals or plain
> intervals, but try checking the list archives.
> regards, tom lane
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?
I think that Tom is talking about a discussion which I started entitled
"Planner create a slow plan without an available index" search for it
maybe it will help you.
At the end I created an RTREE index and it did solved my problem though
my data was 2 INT fields and not INET fields as yours so im not sure how
can you work with that... To solve my problem I created boxes from the 2
numbers and with them I did overlapping.