ganesanm <ganesanm(at)technauts(dot)com> writes:
> How can I incorporate this query in an embedded sql ??
> I tried the following but ecpg returned error on the last
> line.
> exec sql
> select mfl_size into :mfl_size
> from mail_file_dtl
> where mfl_recipient = :mfl_recipient
> order by mfl_file_name limit 1 offset = :nNumber ;
> Can a variable name be used in the offset option to pass
> the value ?
It looks like not, at the moment. I think the grammar for ecpg
needs to accept a "cvariable" in places where the underlying
backend grammar only accepts an ICONST. It's probably too late
to fix this for 7.0, but it should be a todo item for 7.1...
regards, tom lane