On 12/7/20 3:40 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
> Ron <ronljohnsonjr(at)gmail(dot)com> writes:
>> That works *sometimes*, but not when we *really* want it to work.
>> test=# begin transaction;
>> test=# ALTER TABLE sales_header DETACH PARTITION sales_header_202001;
>> ERROR: removing partition "sales_header_202001" violates foreign key
>> constraint "sales_detail_cust_id_order_ts_fkey"
> That I think you're gonna have to live with. DETACH PARTITION isn't
> something we can defer to end of transaction.
Very sad, since it would simplify the archiving of the 24x365 system we're
porting from Oracle to RDS Postgresql.
Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.