Hi.I'm a little confused. 1.I have source code 9.2.4. version fromhttp://www.postgresql.org/ftp/source/ 2.I want to add new alghoritm to index nested loops join, merge join and hash join. I have Executor catalog in src catalag containing nodeHash.c, nodeHasjoin.c, nodeMergejoin and nodeNestloop.c 3.After changes, I want to compile postgresql and use it. 4.Problem is:a)I do not know which library is responsible for this functionality. I understand, that I have to compile src and replace library (I don't know which library) in path where Postgresql in installed:C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\9.2 b)I don't know how use files/library (which library?) with visual studio 2010 and how compile it. Thanks for you all answers. Tom.