Re: [pgsql-zh-general] Re: 答复: 答复: 请教集合A中快速排除集合B,两个大表JOIN的问题

From: "zhang(dot)wensheng" <zhang(dot)wensheng(at)foxmail(dot)com>
To: 汪洋(平安科技数据库技术支持部经理室) <WANGYANG102(at)pingan(dot)com(dot)cn>
Cc: "pgsql-zh-general(at)postgresql(dot)org" <pgsql-zh-general(at)postgresql(dot)org>, 德哥 <digoal(at)126(dot)com>, 李海龙 <hailong(dot)li(at)qunar(dot)com>
Subject: Re: [pgsql-zh-general] Re: 答复: 答复: 请教集合A中快速排除集合B,两个大表JOIN的问题
Date: 2017-03-24 13:04:54
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Lists: pgsql-zh-general

search_radius >
Planning time: 2.031 ms
Execution time: 228.414 ms



On 03/24/2017 08:55 PM, 汪洋(平安科技数据库技术支持部经理室) wrote:
> 如果排序无法避免,那么有两种方案减少loop
> 1、with语句先取出1000,再做not exists。这样最后结果无法保证是1000行,但能保证loop 1000次
> 2、with给一定buffer,例如2000,然后再做not exists 。这样最后结果可能多于1000,多了也没关系,可以再截取一层
> Sent from my iPhone
> -------------------------
> AODI (All Ops Do It)
> Agile Op, Dynamic Infra
>> On 24 Mar 2017, at 8:12 PM, zhang.wensheng <zhang(dot)wensheng(at)foxmail(dot)com> wrote:
>> sorry,看到inline回复了。
>> 是这样的,这个排序是必须的,需要取最近距离的数据出来,所以不能先limit 1000再排序。
>> 我按照德哥一篇博客中的方法,在表中增加了一列用来把geometry类型冗余了一份point类型的,排序的性能会稍微好一些,但主要的问题还是loop上了。
>>> On 03/24/2017 07:43 PM, zhang.wensheng wrote:
>>> 邮件内容是空的,被公司截断了吧 :-)
>>>> On 03/24/2017 07:15 PM, 汪洋(平安科技数据库技术支持部经理室) wrote:
>>>> -----邮件原件-----
>>>> 发件人: zhang.wensheng [mailto:zhang(dot)wensheng(at)foxmail(dot)com]
>>>> 发送时间: 2017年3月24日 18:37
>>>> 收件人: 汪洋(平安科技数据库技术支持部经理室) <WANGYANG102(at)pingan(dot)com(dot)cn>; pgsql-zh-general(at)postgresql(dot)org
>>>> 抄送: 德哥 <digoal(at)126(dot)com>; 李海龙 <hailong(dot)li(at)qunar(dot)com>; held911(at)163(dot)com; zhang(dot)wensheng(at)fomail(dot)com
>>>> 主题: Re: 答复: 请教集合A中快速排除集合B,两个大表JOIN的问题
>>>> 里面有两个地方比较棘手:
>>>> 1、ORDER BY latest_location::geometry <-> '0101000000DFE00B93A9425E409BE61DA7E8283E40'::geometry ASC
>>>> 如果去掉排序,上一个查询计划中的 loops=40263 就可以解决,最后得到:Execution
>>>> time: 13.872 ms
>>>> [汪洋] 这部分确实消耗时间,可以看出大部分时间消耗在排序上。主要是所有排完序LIMIT 1000才能应用。如果只是想在头1000行之内排序,可以先把排序拿掉,使用WITH子句。最后再排序。
>>>> 如果必须所有排完序再拿头1000,看来这时间省不了。
>>>> 2、NOT EXISTS (SELECT r.other_user_id FROM rel_8192_60.relationships r WHERE r.user_id = 36012092 AND r.other_user_id = AND ( r.state != 'default' OR r.other_state = 'disliked'))
>>>> 如果去掉这个条件,很明显就不会有loop了。
>>>> [汪洋] 其实这个索引效率还是非常高的,只不过loop次数太多。虽然限制了1000,但还是loop了40263次。和上面一样,可以先使用WITH把结果集限制在1000后再进行这个子查询,减少loop次数。
>>>> 关键还是排序是大问题。
>>>> 但是这两个条件都不能去掉。
>>>> 我在users表上的索引:
>>>> CREATE INDEX dba_suggested_users_basic_idx ON user_search.users USING
>>>> GIST(int4range(search_min_age,search_max_age),birthdate,latest_location,last_activity)
>>>> WHERE status = 'default'::user_search.status AND latest_location IS NOT NULL;
>>>> 因为有一个latest_location是postgis的geometry类型,所以必须用gist类型的索引,但是如果只单一使用一个字段的索引,查询效率非常低,所以我使用了btree_gist,并对表中的两个字段做了range类型,建了上述的联合索引。
>>>>> On 03/24/2017 06:25 PM, zhang.wensheng wrote:
>>>>> 非常感谢!附件中也有一份。
>>>>> EXPLAIN (costs on,verbose on,analyze on,buffers off) SELECT id FROM
>>>>> user_search.users u WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT r.other_user_id FROM
>>>>> rel_8192_60.relationships r WHERE r.user_id = 36012092 AND
>>>>> r.other_user_id = AND ( r.state != 'default' OR r.other_state =
>>>>> 'disliked')) AND status = 'default'
>>>>> user_search.select_contact_user_ids(36012092) AS q) AND last_activity
>>>>>> current_timestamp at time zone 'UTC' - INTERVAL '5 day'
>>>>> AND (looking_for_gender = 'both' OR looking_for_gender =
>>>>> 'female'::user_search.gender) AND ('male'::user_search.gender = 'both'
>>>>> OR gender = 'male'::user_search.gender) AND latest_location IS NOT
>>>>> NULL
>>>>> AND
>>>>> birthdate BETWEEN DATE(current_timestamp at time zone
>>>>> 'UTC' - (26 + 1|| 'years')::interval + '1 day'::interval) AND
>>>>> DATE(current_timestamp at time zone 'UTC' - (20 || 'years')::interval)
>>>>> AND
>>>>> int4range(search_min_age,search_max_age) @>
>>>>> date_part('year', age('1995-03-16'::date))::int
>>>>> AND search_radius >
>>>>> ST_Distance('0101000000DFE00B93A9425E409BE61DA7E8283E40'::geography,
>>>>> latest_location::geography)
>>>>> ORDER BY latest_location::geometry <->
>>>>> '0101000000DFE00B93A9425E409BE61DA7E8283E40'::geometry ASC LIMIT 1000;
>>>>> ---- =============================================
>>>>> ---- =============================================
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> ---------------------------
>>>>> Limit (cost=2.04..2349.31 rows=80 width=12) (actual
>>>>> time=227.526..865.751 rows=1000 loops=1)
>>>>> Output:, ((u.latest_location <->
>>>>> '0101000000DFE00B93A9425E409BE61DA7E8283E40'::geometry))
>>>>> -> Nested Loop Anti Join (cost=2.04..2349.31 rows=80 width=12)
>>>>> (actual time=227.524..865.585 rows=1000 loops=1)
>>>>> Output:, (u.latest_location <->
>>>>> '0101000000DFE00B93A9425E409BE61DA7E8283E40'::geometry)
>>>>> -> Index Scan using dba_suggested_users_basic_idx on
>>>>> user_search.users u (cost=1.48..2123.68 rows=80 width=36) (actual
>>>>> time=175.352..734.580 rows=40263 loops=1)
>>>>> Output:, u.latest_location
>>>>> Index Cond: ((int4range(u.search_min_age,
>>>>> u.search_max_age) @> (date_part('year'::text,
>>>>> age((('now'::cstring)::date)::timestamp with time zone,
>>>>> ('1995-03-16'::date)::timestamp with time zone)))::in
>>>>> teger) AND (u.birthdate >= date(((timezone('UTC'::text, now()) -
>>>>> ('27years'::cstring)::interval) + '1 day'::interval))) AND
>>>>> (u.birthdate <= date((timezone('UTC'::text, now()) -
>>>>> ('20years'::cstring)::interval))) A
>>>>> ND (u.last_activity > (timezone('UTC'::text, now()) - '5
>>>>> days'::interval)))
>>>>> Order By: (u.latest_location <->
>>>>> '0101000000DFE00B93A9425E409BE61DA7E8283E40'::geometry)
>>>>> Filter: ((NOT (hashed SubPlan 1)) AND (u.gender =
>>>>> 'male'::user_search.gender) AND ((u.looking_for_gender =
>>>>> 'both'::user_search.gender) OR (u.looking_for_gender =
>>>>> 'female'::user_search.gender)) AND
>>>>> ((u.search_radius)::double precision >
>>>>> _st_distance('0101000020E6100000DFE00B93A9425E409BE61DA7E8283E40'::geo
>>>>> graphy, (u.latest_location)::geography, '0'::double precision, true)))
>>>>> Rows Removed by Filter: 55131
>>>>> SubPlan 1
>>>>> -> Function Scan on
>>>>> user_search.select_contact_user_ids q (cost=0.25..0.76 rows=100
>>>>> width=4) (actual time=0.235..0.237 rows=3 loops=1)
>>>>> Output: unnest(q.q)
>>>>> Function Call:
>>>>> user_search.select_contact_user_ids(36012092)
>>>>> -> Index Scan using relationships_user_id_other_user_id_idx
>>>>> on rel_8192_60.relationships r (cost=0.56..2.79 rows=1 width=4)
>>>>> (actual time=0.003..0.003 rows=1 loops=40263)
>>>>> Output: r.other_user_id
>>>>> Index Cond: ((r.user_id = 36012092) AND
>>>>> (r.other_user_id =
>>>>> Filter: ((r.state <>
>>>>> 'default'::rel_8192_60.relationship_state) OR (r.other_state =
>>>>> 'disliked'::rel_8192_60.relationship_state))
>>>>> Planning time: 0.956 ms
>>>>> Execution time: 866.176 ms
>>>>> (20 rows)
>>>>>> On 03/24/2017 05:54 PM, 汪洋(平安科技数据库技术支持部经理室) wrote:
>>>>>> 有完整的SQL语句吗?按照你的描述,不应该走nested loops,而应该走anti
>>>>>> hash比较高效。
>>>>>> -----邮件原件-----
>>>>>> 发件人: zhang.wensheng [mailto:zhang(dot)wensheng(at)foxmail(dot)com]
>>>>>> 发送时间: 2017年3月24日 17:42
>>>>>> 收件人: pgsql-zh-general(at)postgresql(dot)org
>>>>>> 抄送: 德哥 <digoal(at)126(dot)com>; 李海龙 <hailong(dot)li(at)qunar(dot)com>;
>>>>>> 汪洋(平安科技数据库技术支持部经理室) <WANGYANG102(at)pingan(dot)com(dot)cn>; held911(at)163(dot)com
>>>>>> 主题: 请教集合A中快速排除集合B,两个大表JOIN的问题
>>>>>> hi~各位老师们:
>>>>>> 我们线上有一个这样的查询,A表数据量约7300万,B表约近千万:
>>>>>> SELECT A.p_key
>>>>>> FROM A
>>>>>> (SELECT 1
>>>>>> FROM B
>>>>>> WHERE B.f_key = A.pkey)
>>>>>> LIMIT 1000;
>>>>>> A和B经过条件过滤之后结果集都很大,A在条件过滤后在几十万到上百万不等,B经过条件过滤后会在0到几十万,现在想快速从A中把所有B的结果排除
>>>>>> 掉
>>>>>> 这是我一个测试环境的查询计划:
>>>>>> Limit (cost=2.04..18.76 rows=1 width=12) (actual
>>>>>> time=0.987..512.000
>>>>>> rows=1000 loops=1)
>>>>>> -> Nested Loop Anti Join (cost=2.04..18.76 rows=1 width=12)
>>>>>> (actual time=0.987..511.811 rows=1000 loops=1)
>>>>>> -> Index Scan using dba_users_male_idx_1 on users u
>>>>>> (cost=1.48..13.74 rows=1 width=36) (actual time=0.959..396.402
>>>>>> rows=38109 loops=1)
>>>>>> SubPlan 1
>>>>>> -> Function Scan on select_contact_user_ids q
>>>>>> (cost=0.25..0.76 rows=100 width=4) (actual time=0.177..0.178 rows=3
>>>>>> loops=1)
>>>>>> -> Index Scan using
>>>>>> relationships_user_id_other_user_id_idx
>>>>>> on relationships r (cost=0.56..2.79 rows=1 width=4) (actual
>>>>>> time=0.003..0.003 rows=1 loops=38109)
>>>>>> Planning time: 2.217 ms
>>>>>> Execution time: 512.458 ms
>>>>>> 在9.6中支持了bloom filter,我创建了这样的索引,但是性能远不如UNIQUE
>>>>>> BTREE索引:
>>>>>> CREATE INDEX ON B USING bloom(id,f_key) WHERE state != 'default' OR
>>>>>> other_state = 'disliked';
>>>>>> 目前500多ms的性能基本不能接受。不知道各位有什么好方法解决这个问题?
>>>>>> ------------------
>>>>>> 张文升
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