Hello all,
I use the "(2003-02-09) JDBC3 JDK 1.4" JDBC driver to access the DB.
When I insert the chinese words (local= zh_TW ,"BIG5") into the varchar
column,it become "???".
But if I use the pgAdmin to do so ,It is success.
Then I select the ResultSet, The getString() mathod could not get the
correct words.
But if I use the sentence " String s =new String(rs.getBytes());" ,The
string s is correct.
I guess that is caused by char= 16-bit in java2.
Now how can I insert the chinese words (local= zh_TW ,"BIG5") into the
varchar column by jdbc?
OS: windows XP
JavaVM: j2sdk 1.4.1
pssql:PostgreSQL 7.3.1