Postgres 8.0.2 for Windows is install on a Microsoft Windows Server 2003
system. The installation was made with all the default values.
We made a backup of one of our database with the following instruction :
pg_dump -i -h serverName -p 5432 -U userName -W password -F c
backupFileName databaseName
What we want to do is to migrate this database on a 8.1.0 version. For
that we did install postgres 8.1.0 on the same computer but on the port
5433 and then we tried to make a restore with te following command :
pg_restore -i -h serverName -p 5433 -U userName -d databaseName
Because a couple of functions couldn't be created during the restore we
got many problems. All those functions are in the public scheme of the
version 8.0.2.
We've seen some options did change during the installation of the
version 8.1.0. For exemple :
- We can not chose any more to install the modul "DBsize" which was
install with the version 8.0.2.
- The modul "support of pgAdmin" is now called pgAdmin81 (the library's
name is admin81.dll).
Because of those two things the two library dbsize.dll and admin.dll are
not install in the lib directory ant certain function needs those two
Of course we could copy all the missing library in the right directory
but that looks to not be really "professionnal".
Here is the main question :
- Is is possible during the installation of the version 8.1.0 for
Windows to install some options which will "help" the compatibility
between the version 8.1.0 and 8.0.2 ?