Josh Berkus wrote:
> Christopher,
>>In the bad old days when we couldn't distinguish explicit from implicit
>>cast functions, I was wary of adding new cast pathways. Too many
>>implicit casts and you have no type system at all. But in 7.3 there
>>should be no reason to object to an explicit-only cast from numeric
>>to text or vice versa.
> I'd suggest making the explicit cast of numeric to text be the exact
> equivalent of:
> SELECT btrim(to_char(numeric, '999,999,999,999.9999999999'))
> or similar.
In this vain, is there someplace in the docs that has a type conversion
table (matrix) that shows what datatype can be cast into what other
datatype (both implicitly and explicitly)? I haven't seen one and it
would be helpful for us newbies.