$ find InterBase -name \*.c |xargs cat |wc
481977 1417203 11430946
$ find postgresql-7.0.2 -name \*.c |xargs cat |wc
329582 1087860 8649018
$ wc InterBase/dsql/parse.y
4217 13639 103059 InterBase/dsql/parse.y
$ wc postgresql-7.0.2/src/backend/parser/gram.y
5858 20413 149104 postgresql-7.0.2/src/backend/parser/gram.y
I downloaded it, just to have a poke around. It doesn't build very
easily, if at all. The best way I can describe the source is that it is
dry reading. Not much interesting commentary. Very big source files,
with very long functions and huge case statements is how I would
characterise it. I suspect it's reasonably well written but not very
extensible in nature. I don't think this is going to set the world on
fire anytime soon.