On Mon, 2021-06-14 at 23:41 +0800, abbas alizadeh wrote:
> How we can kill the stuck process?
> The process didn’t kill by pg_cancel_backend/pg_terminate_backend.
> Is there any way beside of using “kill -9” or “pg_ctl kill ABRT” ?
If you don't mind a little hackery, I found a simple way to
terminate backends that don't react to interrupts that avoids
"kill -9" and the ensuing crash recovery:
- Attach to the backend with gdb.
- Enter "print ProcessInterrupts()"
Of course that will not work if the backend is in uninterruptible
sleep (for example, stuck in an I/O operation).
Laurenz Albe
Cybertec | https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com