From: "Michael Meskes" <meskes(at)postgresql(dot)org>
> What happens to the regression test suite on your system? There are test
> cases
> that access a descriptor in a similar way I think.
OK, I'll run the ECPG regression test on Solaris without the patch. Please
wait until Jan 6 2014 or so, because we've just entered new year holidays
here in Japan.
> How did you decide which values to put in? I fail to see a reason for
> choosing
> exactly these values.
Yes, the value is arbitrary except it should be non-zero so that ECPGdo()
can execute the else block. And the lengths here are irrelevant to the
actual processing. I thought the original 0 was chosen arbitrarily and I
could do so too. If I can do better, please let me know that.