Re: could not accept ssl connection tlsv1 alert unknown ca

From: Tom Lane <tgl(at)sss(dot)pgh(dot)pa(dot)us>
To: "Zwettler Markus (OIZ)" <Markus(dot)Zwettler(at)zuerich(dot)ch>
Cc: "pgsql-general(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org" <pgsql-general(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Re: could not accept ssl connection tlsv1 alert unknown ca
Date: 2025-01-30 17:50:48
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Lists: pgsql-general

"Zwettler Markus (OIZ)" <Markus(dot)Zwettler(at)zuerich(dot)ch> writes:
> However, one client also configured some client certificates + "sslmode=prefer" which resulted in "could not accept ssl connection tlsv1 alert unknown ca".

I'm no expert, but I think this typically means a missing or untrusted
intermediate certificate, that is no chain of trust to one of the
certs that your OpenSSL considers trusted.

> I always thought that Postgres does only validate certificates with "sslmode=verify-ca" and "sslmode=verify-full" =>

Those cause some additional checks to be made, but it's not like
you can expect a completely broken certificate to work without them.

regards, tom lane

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