Re: Extensible storage manager API - SMGR hook Redux

From: Andreas Karlsson <andreas(at)proxel(dot)se>
To: Nitin Jadhav <nitinjadhavpostgres(at)gmail(dot)com>, Tristan Partin <tristan(at)neon(dot)tech>
Cc: PostgreSQL Hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org>, Matthias van de Meent <boekewurm+postgres(at)gmail(dot)com>, Heikki Linnakangas <hlinnaka(at)iki(dot)fi>, Andres Freund <andres(at)anarazel(dot)de>
Subject: Re: Extensible storage manager API - SMGR hook Redux
Date: 2025-03-07 11:52:08
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Lists: pgsql-hackers


Here is a rebased version of it to make the CI happy. I plan to work
more on this next week but am happy with any feedback on what is already


Attachment Content-Type Size
v4-0006-SMGR-GUC-variable-and-chaining.patch text/x-patch 47.2 KB
v4-0005-Refactor-smgr-API-mdcreate-needs-the-old-relfilel.patch text/x-patch 13.3 KB
v4-0004-Add-contrib-fsync_checker.patch text/x-patch 9.9 KB
v4-0003-Add-checkpoint_create_hook.patch text/x-patch 1.9 KB
v4-0002-Allow-extensions-to-override-the-global-storage-m.patch text/x-patch 2.0 KB
v4-0001-Expose-f_smgr-to-extensions-for-manual-implementa.patch text/x-patch 33.7 KB

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