On 12/6/24 13:48, Andrei Lepikhov wrote:
> On 11/2/24 01:18, Nikita Malakhov wrote:
>> I've corrected failing test and created a patch at Commitfest:
>> https://commitfest.postgresql.org/51/5361/ <https://
>> commitfest.postgresql.org/51/5361/>
> I have played around with this feature, which looks promising for such a
> tiny change. It provides a 'bottom boundary' recommendation for
> appending subpaths, participating in the 'fractional branch' of paths.
> As I see it works consistently with the plans, created for plain tables
> filled with similar data.
> According to the proposal to change SeqScan logic, IMO, Andy is right.
> But it is a separate improvement because it wouldn't work in the case of
> LIMIT 10 or 100, as the newly added regression tests demonstrate.
> I think this feature gives sensible profit for partitionwise paths.
> Pushing this knowledge into subpaths could help postgres_fdw to reduce
> network traffic.
See the attached patch: regression tests added; *_ext function removed -
I think we wouldn't back-patch it into minor releases.
regards, Andrei Lepikhov