I've installe PostgreSQL 8.1 into the default location from the
official PostgreSQL installer (pgInstaller). And in my
$BUILD_ROOT/pgadmin3-deps/ , I've already got wxWidgets, libxml2, libxslt,
iconv and zlib.
When I tried to build pgAdmin 1.6.3 under Windows Xp sp2, using VS 2005,
I succeeded in building pgaevent, but failed to do with pgAgent & pgAdmin3.
When I tried to build pgAdmin3, VS says "error PRJ0019: Tools from
'Extracting subversion repository version' " and "BSCMAKE: error BK1506 : :
No such file or directory"
When I tried to build pgAgent, it says "can't open .\Debug/pgAgent.pch:
No such file or directory" and
"BSCMAKE: error BK1506 : : No such file or directory".
What shall I do now?