Re: Table size is constantly growing and causing performance problems

From: shammat(at)gmx(dot)net
To: pgsql-admin(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: Table size is constantly growing and causing performance problems
Date: 2025-02-12 07:38:13
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Lists: pgsql-admin

srinivasan s schrieb am 12.02.2025 um 05:44:
> One of the tables in our database suddenly started growing very
> fast without any changes to the environment. it has grown over 10GB
> in the last week and this is causing performance issues. We ended up
> adding an index to solve the performance problem but the table
> growth didn't stop. It is growing continuously. we are using
> postgres version 12 on ubuntu
> 3. Also noticed that there is a auto vacuum job running on the table with (to prevent wraparound)

Do you have any connections with the state "idle in transaction"? They would prevent (auto) vacuum.

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