"Markus Wollny" <Markus(dot)Wollny(at)computec(dot)de> writes:
> So everything's working as expected apart from that built-in trigger function.
Well, that's just strange. I tried to duplicate your example without
any success (ie, it worked fine) --- although it seemed you hadn't
shown the trigger definition exactly. I got a syntax error because
'pg_catalog.german' wasn't quoted, and after that an error about
column user_login not existing. But I assume these are just typos
in your message.
Would you confirm that
select atttypid from pg_attribute where attrelid = 'public.ct_com_board_message'::regclass and attname = 'idxfti';
gives 3614 (the preassigned OID for pg_catalog.tsvector)?
regards, tom lane