> We have a PG 8.2 database upon which we report using MS Access using 8.02.02
> psqlodbc35w.dll dated 10/24/2006. I've noticed errors being returned
> within the logs such as " relation 'msysconf' does not exist" .
I am getting this error in my postgresql log files also.
this is what I am seeing in various places in my pg_log file:
2007-03-01 13:44:39 LOG: statement: select oid, typbasetype from pg_type where typname = 'lo'
2007-03-01 13:44:40 LOG: statement: SELECT Config, nValue FROM MSysConf
2007-03-01 13:44:40 ERROR: relation "msysconf" does not exist
2007-03-01 13:44:40 STATEMENT: SELECT Config, nValue FROM MSysConf
Richard Broersma Jr.