Re: Help in vetting measuring egress/ingress " pg_dumpall " - old vm to new vm

From: Adrian Klaver <adrian(dot)klaver(at)aklaver(dot)com>
To: Bharani SV-forum <esteembsv-forum(at)yahoo(dot)com>, Greg Sabino Mullane <htamfids(at)gmail(dot)com>, Ron Johnson <ronljohnsonjr(at)gmail(dot)com>
Cc: pgsql-general <pgsql-general(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Re: Help in vetting measuring egress/ingress " pg_dumpall " - old vm to new vm
Date: 2025-01-28 21:45:44
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Lists: pgsql-general

On 1/28/25 12:13, Bharani SV-forum wrote:
> TQ Adrian
> another Question on the measuring egress (out bound traffic) /ingress
> (inbound traffic) " pg_dumpall " during usage of

Since you are using AWS EC2(?) instances wouldn't the AWS dashboard show
you this?

> pg_dumpall -h  <old vm>  -p 5432 | psql -p 5462
> taking data from old_vm and copying to new_vm, as i need to use across
> the network for taking data and i cannot use "pg_upgrade" tool as AWS -
> AL3 doesnot support postgresql 13 - community edition.

The PGDG repo does:

Have you tried using it?

Also from what I gather there is no Amazon Linux 3.

There is Amazon Linux 2023, is that what you are referring to?

> My existing DB size is *around 60 GB* (all the DB's) using postgresql
> Ver 13.

Adrian Klaver

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