Re: Minor rework of ALTER TABLE SET RelOptions code

From: Álvaro Herrera <alvherre(at)alvh(dot)no-ip(dot)org>
To: Nikolay Shaplov <dhyan(at)nataraj(dot)su>
Cc: pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: Minor rework of ALTER TABLE SET RelOptions code
Date: 2025-03-14 08:35:15
Message-ID: 202503140835.a7rr73tvaeic@alvherre.pgsql
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On 2025-Mar-07, Nikolay Shaplov wrote:

> Patch description is following:
> 1. `isnull` variable is actually needed in a very narrow scope, so
> it is better to keep it in that scope, not keeping it in mind in while
> dealing with the rest of the code.
> 2. Toast table RelOptions are never altered directly with ALTER command.
> One should do ATLER to a heap relation and use toast. reloption namespace
> to address toast's reloption. If you get `ATExecSetRelOptions` called with
> `RELKIND_TOASTVALUE` relation in the args, something is really wrong. We
> should throw asserts, errors and whistle as loud as we can.

These are two separate things, I would have suggested to post them as
two separate patches. And the second one lacked tests, so I added some.
I have pushed both now, thanks.

I can't unfortunately promise to review the larger reloption refactoring
patch for 18.

Álvaro Herrera Breisgau, Deutschland —
"Java is clearly an example of money oriented programming" (A. Stepanov)

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