At 2016-02-29 19:56:07 -0600, Jim(dot)Nasby(at)BlueTreble(dot)com wrote:
> I don't see why this would be limited to just functions. […] Am I
> missing something?
No, you are not missing anything. The specific problem I was trying to
solve involved a function, so I sketched out a solution for functions.
Once we have some consensus on whether that's an acceptable approach,
I'll extend the patch in whatever way we agree seems appropriate.
> Maybe the better way to handle this would be through ALTER EXTENSION?
That's what this (second) patch does.
> Given the audience for this, I think it'd probably be OK to just
> provide a function that does this, instead of DDL.
That seems like a promising idea. Can you suggest some possible usage?
-- Abhijit