In Plpgsql, I've got this problem of how to assign an integer extracted
from a regex to a variable. My approach so far feels kludgy:
-- extract ^#(\d+) from txt
IF txt SIMILAR TO E'#\\d+%' THEN
my_int := SUBSTR(SUBSTRING(txt, E'#\\d+'), 2,
LENGTH(SUBSTRING(txt, E'#\\d+')) -1)::INTEGER;
-- strip ^#\d+ from text
my_txt := REGEXP_REPLACE(txt, E'^#\\d+ ', '');
What I'd like to do is something like this:
my_int := MATCH(txt, '^#(\d+)')::INTEGER;
which would assign the integer atom (\d+) to my_int.
Leif Biberg Kristensen | Registered Linux User #338009
Me And My Database: