On Sun, Oct 29, 2006 at 05:24:33PM +0100, Andreas Kostyrka wrote:
> Actually, you need to get the schema from the master node, and can take
> the data from a slave. In mixing dumps like that, you must realize that
> there are two seperate parts in the schema dump: "table definitions" and
> "constraints". Do get a restorable backup you need to put the table
> definitions stuff before your data, and the constraints after the data
> copy.
This will work, yes, but you don't get a real point-in-time dump this
way. (In any case, we're off the -performance charter now, so if
anyone wants to pursue this, I urge you to take it to the Slony
Andrew Sullivan | ajs(at)crankycanuck(dot)ca
Windows is a platform without soap, where rats run around
in open sewers.
--Daniel Eran