On Tue, Oct 04, 2005 at 11:39:30AM +0100, Robert Cleary wrote:
> two-queries,
> 1) Is there a PostgreSQL equivalent certification to the MySQL Core
> Certification (btw drawn #8 in certcites.com hottest 05
> certifications list)
> http://certcities.com/editorial/features/print.asp?EditorialsID=86,
> If not, maybe this could be another target to increase pg's
> popularity?
I'm not sure I understand this question. Could you explain what
purposes and whose interests such a certification, if it existed,
would serve?
David Fetter david(at)fetter(dot)org http://fetter.org/
phone: +1 510 893 6100 mobile: +1 415 235 3778
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