The following bug has been logged online:
Bug reference: 1611
Logged by: Ingolf Knopf
Email address: iknopf(at)csc-dd(dot)de
PostgreSQL version: 8.0.1
Operating system: JDBC
Description: reading a date-field by "ResultSet.getTimestamp()"
method analized dayligth flag
Retrieving data by "java.sql.ResultSet" I read a data from a column which
has type DATE. I read content of this column by method
"ResultSet.getTimestamp( int )".
I get a "java.sql.Timestamp"-object, where Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY==1. I
suppose, this is daylight flag.
Maybe this behavior of your JDBC driver is compatible with SQL standard, but
it is completely other than the behavior of "Oracle" or "Ingres".