<html><pre><PRE>hello,<BR>everyone!<BR> I want to know how postgresql remain its unique index unique after <BR>i have change it.For example:<BR> create table human(age int,name char(2));<BR>then in the pg_attribute catalog the unique index pg_attribute_relid_attnum_index will<BR>use relid of 'human'and attnum of age to create a index tuple for attribute:age,which is a unique index tuple for a tuple which describe age in pg_attribute,and i do:<BR> alter table human rename age to birthdate;<BR>then in the unique index pg_attribute_relid_attnum_index will appear two index tuple <BR>which keys are relid of 'human' and attnum:1 to describe age ,but there is no error happening!!!!So i am interested in the method of remain the dynamic index very much.<BR> would you please tell how postgres do it and the src of this? <BR>thanks :) </PRE><PRE> </PRE><PRE> 致<BR>礼!<BR> </PRE><PRE> 庄继锋<BR> <A href="mailto:zhuangjifeng(at)263(dot)net">zhuangjifeng(at)263(dot)net</A><BR> 2004-04-29</PRE></pre></html>