> How can I use a prepared select statement as mentioned in the documentation=
> on SQL PREPARE. Preparing the statement is easy, the problem is using the =
> plan to get a cursor. My assumption is the SQL OPEN command is not document=
> ed or there is some other libpq API to make this happen.
> Thanks
I'm using libpq and lines like below are working:
res = PQexec(conn,
"PREPARE plan001 ( integer , double precision , character ) AS SELECT a,b,d FROM foo WHERE a = $1 OR d > $2 OR b = $3");
res = PQexec(conn, "EXECUTE plan001 ( 3 , 6.66 , 'whatever' ) ");
HTH, pretty late reply - I know (but no one else did as far as I can tell)
Regards, Christoph