> > case in point, the example trigger. i would have expected
> > deliberate schemaname.table during an insert to work, but
> > instead the parser complains about cross-database.
> I would think just changing the error message to "no schema by the name of
> suchandsuch found" would make it pretty clear.
indeed, the only problem being, that this is a
-deliberately- called schema and it does exist
jst that its not in the search_path. surely the
pl/pglsql or parser should be able to search the
schemanames if i give it a -deliberate- name and
if it isnt there say 'not found' ?
so, either thats an error (improper parsing/expr
forming) in the pl/pgsql trigger code, or, well,
i dont know.
thoughts ? comments ? barking mad ?