Hi, I'm trying to create a time format string for strptime (GNU,
FWIW) that will parse an unmodifed timestamptz string. No luck with
Google yet.
In other words how to parse, e.g. "2003-12-26 03:15:36.633421+00".
"%Y-%m-%d %T" gets as far as the floating point section of the seconds
and bails.
(How does +\d\d represent half-hour timezones? If it was the usual
+\d{4} strptime's %z could at least use it.)
Or, perhaps some way of having PG return it in a strptime-friendly way?
Thanks, Paul
Paul Makepeace ................................ http://paulm.com/ecademy
"What is chutzpah? Look inside yourself."
-- http://paulm.com/toys/surrealism/