> I've got a problem in porting the following select statement from Oracle to
> Postgres, because of the characters after "b.bet_id" and "f.ask_id" in the
> where clause: (+)
> I don't know what these characters mean and how I can transform these into
> PostgreSql Syntax.
> select ...
> from auswahlkatalog k, anspruchkorrektur a, beteiligter b, v_betkorr f
> where k.awk_id = a.awk_id and b.bet_id(+) = a.bet_idemp
> and a.ask_id = f.ask_id(+)
This (+) means JOIN
e.g. (+)-marked equations used as a joining condition
To translate it to PGSQL syntax simply remove (+)
(only one thing i forgot: isn't it OUTER JOIN?...)