On Wed, Feb 05, 2003 at 18:48:44 -0200,
Fabio Angeluci Martins <famartins(at)gashost(dot)com> wrote:
> Hi,
> What/Where i need set/configure to limit the numbers of databases which a
> normal user can create?
Either a user can create as many databases as they want or they can't create
any. If you use createuser to create the user you will get asked which
of the cases to apply to the user.
In recent versions of postgres the superuser can create a database that
is owned by another user. So if users don't need too many or to have them
created instantly, have them send requests to a superuser to create them
on there behalf.
In 7.3 schemas were added and this might allow you to limit each user
to one (or just a few) databases, depending on what your are trying to