CVSROOT: /cvsroot
Module name: pgsql-server
Changes by: tgl(at)postgresql(dot)org 02/09/02 17:51:47
Modified files:
doc/src/sgml : libpgtcl.sgml
src/interfaces/libpgtcl: pgtcl.c pgtclCmds.c pgtclCmds.h
pgtclId.c pgtclId.h
Log message:
pg_on_connection_loss command for libpgtcl. Patch from
Gerhard Hintermayer, revised and documented by Tom Lane.
This patch also fixes a 'must fix' bug: libpgtcl's LISTEN/NOTIFY
support was broken by the recent changes to the PGnotify structure.
Guess that change wasn't quite so safe as we thought.