Version documentation for packages in Common YUM repository

From: Svensson Peter <peter(dot)svensson(at)smhi(dot)se>
To: "pgsql-pkg-yum(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org" <pgsql-pkg-yum(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Version documentation for packages in Common YUM repository
Date: 2024-11-13 08:41:12
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Lists: pgsql-pkg-yum

Are there any documentation describing versions of packages in the Common repository that still are maintained, and which are EOL?
For example gdal3x packages, where some versions are rebuild to support Armadillo 12, but some older are not.

It would be nice to have a list where gdal, proj, geos and other packages versions are pointed out and recommended as "use these versions", and "those are EOL and should not be used anymore"


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