BUG #18771: ICU custom collations with rules ignore collator strength option.

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Cc: ruben(dot)ruizcuadrado(at)gmail(dot)com
Subject: BUG #18771: ICU custom collations with rules ignore collator strength option.
Date: 2025-01-11 17:27:35
Message-ID: 18771-98bb23e455b0f367@postgresql.org
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The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference: 18771
Logged by: Ruben Ruiz
Email address: ruben(dot)ruizcuadrado(at)gmail(dot)com
PostgreSQL version: 17.2
Operating system: Debian Linux 12.2

When using the 'rules' option of CREATE COLLATION to create a custom icu
collation it seems that, if you include inside the rules a change to the
comparison strength, it is ignored. You can reproduce this by creating two
collations that should behave the same, regarding accents and case, but one
has the strength option as part of the locale (ks-level) and the other has
it inside the rules:

-- Create two custom collations that should be case and accent insensitive
postgres=# CREATE COLLATION custom_ci_ai (provider=icu,
locale='und-u-ks-level1', deterministic=false);
postgres=# CREATE COLLATION custom_ci_ai_with_rules (provider=icu,
locale='und', deterministic=false, rules = '[strength 1]');

-- Test: both comparisons should be true
postgres=# SELECT 'a'='á' COLLATE custom_ci_ai as no_rules, 'a'='á' COLLATE
custom_ci_ai_with_rules as with_rules;
no_rules | with_rules
t | f
(1 row)

I think the problem might reside in the call to ucol_openRules inside the
make_icu_collator function at pg_locale_icu.c
Apparently if you pass UCOL_DEFAULT_STRENGTH to the 'stregth' parameter, the
resulting collator will use the default strength (which in my case was
equivalent to level3), even if you specify a different value inside the
rules. But if you pass UCOL_DEFAULT, it will use the strength option within
the rules and, if not specified, will fall back to the default strength.

I tested changing the parameter value to UCOL_DEFAULT, and it seems to work
as expected.


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