The following bug has been logged on the website:
Bug reference: 18678
Logged by: Claudio
Email address: claudioan00(at)gmail(dot)com
PostgreSQL version: 17.0
Operating system: Windows 10 Home
I'm installing it after trying to install it once on a Windows 10 Home VM,
as i had to change from NAT network to Bridge to be able to download the
files it needed. It went ok until the StackBuilder it seems, as it threw
this error:
psql: ERROR: no existe la columna d.daticulocale
LINE 8: d.daticulocale as "ICU Locale",
HINT: Probablemente quiera hacer referencia a la columna
I don't know why this happened but Google says something about some version
problem where a table is not being used anymore.
Thanks and keep the great work.