Eliot Gable <egable+pgsql-general(at)gmail(dot)com> writes:
> When the trigger fires, I get this in my postgres.log file:
> 2012-04-17 16:57:15 EDT|test_db||****|[unknown]|30474
> WARNING: Failed to materialize the live_user_activity table; code 0A000:
> LOCK TABLE is not allowed in a non-volatile function
> I cannot find a single non-volatile function in the call path; so I am
> baffled on where this error message is coming from.
I'm confused too, but I'm not going to guess at details of an incomplete
example; the problem could well be related to code you didn't show us.
Please provide a self-contained script that triggers this message.
Also, what PG version are we talking about?
regards, tom lane