Re: optimize file transfer in pg_upgrade

From: Tom Lane <tgl(at)sss(dot)pgh(dot)pa(dot)us>
To: Robert Haas <robertmhaas(at)gmail(dot)com>
Cc: Nathan Bossart <nathandbossart(at)gmail(dot)com>, Greg Sabino Mullane <htamfids(at)gmail(dot)com>, pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org, bruce(at)momjian(dot)us
Subject: Re: optimize file transfer in pg_upgrade
Date: 2025-03-18 14:04:41
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Robert Haas <robertmhaas(at)gmail(dot)com> writes:
> I'm not quite sure what the best thing is to do is for the pg_upgrade
> tests in particular, and it may well be best to do as you propose for
> now and figure that out later. But I question whether just rerunning
> all of those tests with several different mode flags is the right
> thing to do. Why for example does need to be
> checked under both --link and --clone? I would guess that there are
> one or maybe two tests in src/bin/pg_upgrade/t that needs to test
> --link and --clone and they should grow internal loops to do that
> (when supported by the local platform) and PG_UPGRADE_TEST_MODE should
> go in the garbage.


I'd be particularly allergic to running multiple
times, as that's one of our most expensive tests, and I flat out
don't believe that expending that many cycles could be justified.
Surely we can test these modes sufficiently in some much cheaper and
more targeted way.

regards, tom lane

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