Greenmask 0.2.6 - 0.2.8 Releases

From: "Greenmask(dot)io via PostgreSQL Announce" <announce-noreply(at)postgresql(dot)org>
To: PostgreSQL Announce <pgsql-announce(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Greenmask 0.2.6 - 0.2.8 Releases
Date: 2025-03-18 08:14:49
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## PostgreSQL database anonymization and synthetic data generation tool

## Greenmask Overview

Greenmask is a powerful open-source utility that is designed for logical database backup dumping, anonymization, synthetic data generation and restoration. It is stateless and does not require any changes to your database schema. It is designed to be highly customizable and backward-compatible with existing PostgreSQL utilities, fast and reliable.

### Is perfect for:

* **Backup and Restoration**: Streamline daily tasks like logical backups, table restoration after truncation, or replacing pg_dump and pg_restore with ease.
* **Anonymization and Data Masking**: Simplify staging environment setup and analytical tasks by anonymizing and transforming backups, ensuring consistent, secure data for faster

Greenmasks has **[Database subset](** feature - One of the most advanced subset systems on the market. It supports **virtual references**, nullable columns, polymorphic references, and can subset even the most complex schemas with **cyclic references**.

## Changes

* Support `postgres://` schema connection URLs [#263](
* Implemented `--blobs` and `--no-blobs` flags for the `greenmask dump` command. These flags allow inclusion or exclusion of large objects in the dump file. By default, `--blobs` is enabled. If `--no-blobs` is specified, large object data will be skipped, and only large object creation commands and ACLs will be included in the dump. [#265](
* Implemented the `--no-blobs` flag for greenmask restore. If there are any large objects in your database, this will create an empty placeholder instead. [#265](
* Enabled support for all textual data types in all transformers that have a text type [#267]( Closes [#260](
* Fixed numerous introspection queries that have out of range errors caused by casting OID types to int4 values [#264]( Closes [#265](
* Refactored the logic of restorers and added test coverage to improve maintainability and stability [#268](
* Fixed domain constraint introspection query [#266](
* Revised documentation according to the latest changes [#267](
* Fixed brew build [homebrew-core #206868]( Closes [#261](
* Fixed a case when converted directory dump into single file using `pg_restore --file=1738263512345.sql` is corrupted due to lost semicolon [#255](
* Updated go dependencies [#256](
* Introduces `--disable-trigers`, `--use-session-replication-role-replica` and `--superuser` options for restore command. It allows to disable triggers during data section restore [#252]( Closes feature request [#228](
* Fix skipping unknown type when silent is true [#251](

## Releases list:
* [v0.2.6](
* [v0.2.7](
* [v0.2.8](

## Links

Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or need assistance:

* [Greenmask repository](
* [Documentation](
* [Discord](
* [Telegram](
* [Email](mailto:support(at)greenmask(dot)io)
* [Twitter](
* [DockerHub](

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