PG Day France 2025: Announcement and CfS

From: PostgreSQLFr via PostgreSQL Announce <announce-noreply(at)postgresql(dot)org>
To: PostgreSQL Announce <pgsql-announce(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: PG Day France 2025: Announcement and CfS
Date: 2025-02-28 21:52:59
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The PG Day France is the annual conference of the French-speaking PostgreSQL community.

This year, the event will take place on **June 3 and 4, 2025, in Mons (Belgium)**. We are seizing the opportunity to expand beyond borders by also accepting presentations in English! To maintain the primarily French-speaking identity of PG Day France, the CfP committee will ensure a balanced distribution of languages.

So, if you are an expert in a field related to open-source databases, have used PostgreSQL in a specific context (_large-scale deployments, high loads, well-known clients, innovative projects, etc._), or are involved in an open-source project related to PostgreSQL, don't hesitate to [submit a talk](!

Enthusiasts, students, DBAs, developers, and companies: everyone comes together to share and learn about PostgreSQL! Taking place in a different city each year, the event aims to foster local communities.

For more information, visit our [website]( or [contact us](mailto:contact(at)pgday(dot)fr).

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