SQLPage v0.32: build web apps in SQL, now with more style !

From: SQLPage via PostgreSQL Announce <announce-noreply(at)postgresql(dot)org>
To: PostgreSQL Announce <pgsql-announce(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: SQLPage v0.32: build web apps in SQL, now with more style !
Date: 2025-01-06 21:01:44
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Lists: pgsql-announce

# SQLPage v0.32 brings a lot of polish, and some advanced features for Christmas 🎄

**SQLPage** is an open-source tool that turns renders SQL query results as interactive web pages.

It's used to build advanced internal tools, dashboards, and public websites, entirely in SQL.

Check it out on [**sql-page.com**](https://sql-page.com).

## Release highlights

This release focuses on polishing both the experience to application authors and final users.

### New in components

- The [**chart component**](https://sql-page.com/component.sql?component=chart) has been reshaped and the underlying javascript library has been updated, with multiple bug fixes, and better automatic axis management.
- The [**map component**](https://sql-page.com/component.sql?component=map) now has a nice background that follows the current theme.
- The [**text component**](https://sql-page.com/component.sql?component=text) can now format long-form text in an printed article-like layout to make it easy to read.

### Under the hood

- Configurable recursion depth in [`sqlpage.run_sql`](https://sql-page.com/functions.sql?function=run_sql)
- Better SQL transaction management, with guaranteed rollback on error. This plays nicely with postgres advanced transaction-related features.
- Introduced the `sqlpage/on_reset.sql` hook to run custom sql after each page load.

## Links
- [`sql-page.com` - SQLPage Home Page (built with sqlpage)](https://sql-page.com)
- [`github.com/sqlpage/sqlpage` - Release Notes and downloads](https://github.com/sqlpage/SQLPage/releases/tag/v0.32.0)

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