Bruce Momjian <bruce(at)momjian(dot)us> writes:
> Tom, which Interval TODO items did you complete with this patch?
I think we've at least mostly fixed
* Support ISO INTERVAL syntax if units cannot be determined from the string, and are supplied after the string
* Add support for year-month syntax, INTERVAL '50-6' YEAR TO MONTH
There might be a few glitches left but they are at much smaller grain
than the TODO is talking about.
... while I'm looking: I am not sure that I think either of these TODO
items are sane or standards-compliant:
* Interpret INTERVAL '1 year' MONTH as CAST (INTERVAL '1 year' AS INTERVAL MONTH), and this should return '12 months'
* Support precision, CREATE TABLE foo (a INTERVAL MONTH(3))
regards, tom lane