There are lots of decoders but I need to do it within postgresql.
On Monday, August 9, 2021, 01:24:33 PM GMT+10, Mladen Gogala <gogala(dot)mladen(at)gmail(dot)com> wrote:
You could probably use Pl/Python. Python has base64 module and urllib module which can deal with all URL strings I am aware of. Pl/Perl would probably do as well.
On 8/8/21 10:16 PM, Masih Tavassoli wrote:
Hi experts,
I am trying to find a way to decode a URL request header and extract its JSON fields in postgreql .
I can do this in Oracle sql using
select (utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2 (utl_encode.base64_decode( utl_raw.cast_to_raw (regexp_replace ( ('eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InBhLWFwaS1zaWduIn0.eyJzY29wZSI6W10sInN1YiI6Imp1bGllQHNhcHBoaXJlY29udmV5YW5jaW5nLm5ldC5hdSIsImNsaWVudCI6InB4YV9hY19zZXR0c3BsdXMiLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Imp1bGllQHNhcHBoaXJlY29udmV5YW5jaW5nLm5ldC5hdSIsImV4cCI6MTU1NDA4NzU2N30.OZwVETCP+HUDsSkudCfa52eQT2Fyt6BgefFpYr5xpJROjZJeVnXtzsU6MS8aHauqyyOwQSz8iG6OC2YjYgrGiZ8YTwTh1uHptNjicyCFmCkh++d0oGdK78ZOKIAvuslW3GX4V13hPUJADzGLkyO8hy01YF9Id4+7GrvmnRRkwPO7C2eUvKTB8pxDAA94Jpw74s4BiNTmm1Uv+56AXqdI8m2KFkLNwGoUR3OSNvsifl5uxBsGGmP4wbgNe/Dy1q2UsL2eBAW/GuWryHGCRz1/PR2jIV1v21ClQ8YLiFAzM3YxHb8m2ngzRynKof+Nw3nZvuafRQ16MV5THz0ahGFYLA'
), '[[:space:]]', ''))))) from dual
But there doesn't seem to be a way doing it in postgres.
Has anyone got any suggesions?
Thanks Masih
Mladen Gogala
Database Consultant
Tel: (347) 321-1217