On Thu, 2015-07-23 at 13:09 +0200, Jens Depuydt wrote:
> Is there a specific reason why plv8 doesn't get distributed anymore
> with the Yum repositories for PostgreSQL 9.4?
I was not aware that 1.4.4 is released and it can be built cleanly.
Sorry about that.
> In the list of available/supported packages, plv8 is mentioned on
> http://yum.postgresql.org/news-packagelist.php and it was available
> up to PostgreSQL 9.3.
Pushed 1.4.4 to 9.4 and 9.5 repositories.
Principal Systems Engineer @ EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
PostgreSQL Danışmanı/Consultant, Red Hat Certified Engineer
Twitter: @DevrimGunduz , @DevrimGunduzTR