Excerpts from Alvaro Herrera's message of lun mar 28 07:26:49 -0300 2011:
> Likely "too large" is more an issue related to available resources than
> of absolute figure.
> On a penta byte of free storage I would not mind allocating some teras
> with extending a (large) table.
> If I'm left with some MB only, I'd be concerned for sure.
Does anybody have an idea just W-T-F happened here? I did NOT send the
above email (as evidenced by it being signed by "Rainer"). I notice it
even has a "@commandprompt.com" message-id. Should I start signing my
Álvaro Herrera <alvherre(at)commandprompt(dot)com>
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
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