From "Sam Mason" <sam(at)samason(dot)me(dot)uk>:
>The nicer syntax to distinguish things is to use:
> TYPENAME 'literal'
Thanks! That is very helpful. I saw that syntax in one example I found on the web, and incorrectly thought it was an alternate way of writing the function call.
The point of all this was to figure out a uniform syntax I can use for doing some type adapters to convert back and forth between Python objects and PG objects (through psycopg2 or some other Python-PG interface). Perhaps I should have mentioned that initially. I now see that the '{...}' notation does not do any evaluation of what's inside, e.g.
SELECT '{1,2,1+2}'::INT[];
doesn't work, but
SELECT ARRAY[1,2,1+2]::INT[];
works fine.